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Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Gohar Shahi's mystical pearls for truth seekers

Gohar Shahi's mystical pearls for truth seekers:

"In order to recognize God and to be able to approach the essence of God, Learn Spiritualism, no matter what religion or sect you belong to"

A Muslim says that he is the best of all, whereas a Jew says that his status is better than that of a Muslim. A Christian says that he is better than both and even better than all the other religions because he is from the nation.

But Gohar Shahi says:
"The sublime and most elevated is the one, who has love of God in his heart, though he may not belong to any religion."

"The verbal chanting, praise and worship is proof of submission and obedience to God, whereas the Qalb meditation is the way to the Love of God and access to God.

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